The place

The Theatron as a virtual experience space

We create the so-called Theatron as a place of knowledge, a virtual theatre in the middle of which, the Orchestra, one or more objects can be experienced. However, the Theatron also allows the “visitor rows” to be used as display areas for other objects and to be organised using a classification system.
To this end, we have developed an example with the Greifenberg Institute that illustrates the history of stringed keyboard instruments in horizontal and vertical rows. The frame of reference thus remains the theatre in which the history of musical instruments and music, as well as its composers, are contextualised and related in various ways. It serves as a didactic presentation of the current state of knowledge and research.
The organisation system is inspired by the idea of Guillio Camillo (1480-1540). In 1526 he invented the theatre of memory ( L’Idea del Theatro), a concept that used images, symbols and texts in a real theatre to relate world knowledge to mnemonic techniques and thus make it tangible. It remained a fictional idea at the time. Now, 500 years later, we can realise this idea with the help of Extended Reality (XR) technology in the metaverse.

We create the so-called Theatron as a place of knowledge, a virtual theatre in the middle of which, the Orchestra, one or more objects can be experienced. However, the Theatron also allows the “visitor rows” to be used as display areas for other objects and to be organised using a classification system.
To this end, we have developed an example with the Greifenberg Institute that illustrates the history of stringed keyboard instruments in horizontal and vertical rows. The frame of reference thus remains the theatre in which the history of musical instruments and music, as well as its composers, are contextualised and related in various ways. It serves as a didactic presentation of the current state of knowledge and research.
The organisation system is inspired by the idea of Guillio Camillo (1480-1540). In 1526 he invented the theatre of memory ( L’Idea del Theatro), a concept that used images, symbols and texts in a real theatre to relate world knowledge to mnemonic techniques and thus make it tangible. It remained a fictional idea at the time. Now, 500 years later, we can realise this idea with the help of Extended Reality (XR) technology in the metaverse.